Farjanul Nayem

c plus plus programming concepts for programmers

c plus plus programming concepts for programmers

C plus plus programming concepts for programmers: To be productive in any language, every programmer needs to know about important concepts. Let’s try to find important concepts that every C++ programmer needs to know about. There are three levels to being a  master in any programming language. Low Level Mid Level  High Level  Low Level  After…

Basic Network Structure and it’s components

Basic Network Structure and it’s components

Basic Network Structure: As a programmer, we need to know how the network works. which helps them to understand the importance of networking. How networks really work is a general way to demystify how networks really work. So to understand this, we need to understand the structure of the network. So today we are going to…

Free and Trial for Developers

Free and Trial for Developers

Developers and Open Source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers, but it can be hard to find them all to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers. The scope of this particular list is limited…

React for Beginners (Complete Knowledge)

React for Beginners (Complete Knowledge)

What is React, really? React is officially defined as a “JavaScript library for creating user interfaces,” but what does that really mean? React is a library, made in JavaScript and which we code in JavaScript, to build great applications that run on the web. What do I need to know for React? In other words,…

Multiple git accounts with multiple ssh keys in the same device

Multiple git accounts with multiple ssh keys in the same device

I have multiple git accounts one is for my personal use and one is for company use. Both account sources need to be activated from the same device. No problem, here we see, How to maintain multiple git accounts with multiple ssh keys in the same device. Let’s go… multiple git accounts with multiple ssh…

Chapter 1: Key Machine Learning Terms

Chapter 1: Key Machine Learning Terms

Machine learning is the platform from which we develop neural networks. Currently, there are many applications of the power and capacity of neural networks in everyday life. Humans need these artificial intelligence models to assist in technical and time-demanding tasks. These are tasks that would otherwise be prone to errors due to our biological limitations….

Web Scraping with Python (Completed)

Web Scraping with Python (Completed)

Web scraping in Python is dominated by three major libraries: BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, and Selenium. Each of these libraries intends to solve very different use cases. Thus it’s essential to understand what we’re choosing and why. Let’s go… In this mega article, We learn how to make inconspicuous web requests remain undetected and various other methods to parse data…

Android Tutorial: Content Providers

Android Tutorial: Content Providers

A content provider is an Android component used for encapsulating data that is to be shared with other applications. How the actual data is stored, be it in a relational database or a file or a mix of both, is not important. What is important is that a content provider offers a standard way of…

Android Tutorial: Alarm Service

Android Tutorial: Alarm Service

Android devices maintain an internal alarm service that can be used to schedule jobs. Amazingly, as you will find out in this article, the API is very easy to use, seamlessly hiding the complexity of its lower-level code. This chapter explains how to use it and presents an example. Overview One of the built-in services…

Android Tutorial: Broadcast Receivers

Android Tutorial: Broadcast Receivers

The Android system constantly broadcasts intents that occur during the running of the operating system and applications. In addition, applications can also broadcast user-defined intents. You can capitalize on these broadcasts by writing broadcast receivers in your application. This article explains how to create broadcast receivers. Overview A broadcast receiver, or a receiver for short,…